
The concept of wellness or, wellbeing, is one that has surfaced over the last few years. But, actually, it isn't new. It is mentioned and discussed in historical accounts as far back as 300 BC. It is made up of two words: well and being. Quite literally, healthy existence.

Most people are very aware of their physical wellbeing, but very much neglect their mental and spiritual health.

There are many 'tools' we can use to promote holistic wellness in ourselves. One such tool is regular reiki, but it is good to provide your body, mind and soul with a variety of activites to promote change and growth.

I aim to provide both one-to-one and group activities that will feed your personal journey.

Betwixt Women's Circle

The Circles are held in my home, in a quiet part of Stafford, at various dates and times. The primary intentions of this circle are to turn-up your positive vibration, learn how to slow down and be more present and in-tune with the rhythms of the natural world.

Betwixt Circle is based on the turning of nature through the year in an endless cycle of growth and rebirth that can be mirrored in our own lives. It is a sanctuary in which we feel our connection to the eternal and get in touch with our feminine strength. Ordinary routines and surroundings fade into the background, and we can experience a heightened awareness of the here and now.

Take a pause in your day and allow yourself some “me time”. Imagine an evening (or afternoon) of cosy candlelight or log burner in winter, meditation, connecting to the rhythms of nature, a space for sharing, poetry, stories and much more.

The Betwixt Circle is not about religion but rather spirituality, and connecting to nature and your true self. With politics dividing us further every day, women need community more than ever. Like our ancestors, we thirst for this experience of the sacred. In the circle you have a feeling of centeredness. There is no need to rush. No need to be perfect.


What is Meditation? Meditation is an experience that takes you to the core of who you are. It removes all the distractions that linger around us. It allows you to experience joy and peace. Love and light. It helps you to rediscover purpose. Meditation has the capacity to slow down your thoughts and gives conscious pause, creating the space for you to internally reflect. You shift from thinking to feeling, and connect with parts of your body and mind you'd stopped listening to.

I host both individual and group meditation sessions. I follow a simple program that combines both silent meditation with guided or creative meditation. After the meditation, we reconstruct our experience and share them with each other.

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